Montana's Trucking Fast Facts
Big thanks to ATRI for putting together the Montana Trucking Fast Facts
5 Ways to Improve Your CSA Score
If you’re looking to better your trucking business, improving your Compliance, Safety, Accountability (CSA) score has several benefits.
Issued by the safety compliance and enforcement program of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, a good CSA score can produce lower insurance premiums, help to attract and retain business, and potentially reduce the frequency of Department of Transportation audits.
With more than 35 years of industry experience as a company driver and a trucking business owner, I’ve been part of several inspections with no penalties received. Now I help trucking customers improve business operations and safety issues, boosting their profitability and CSA scores. Here’s what I’ve learned. Read More

MTA is excited to announce that registration for the 2024 Truck Driving Championship is now open! The championship will be held on June 8th at the Lewis & Clark County Fairgrounds. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out! Click the link below for the registration form!
Rocky Mountain Regional Safety Rendezvous

A big congratulation to Todd & Amanda Mulcahy who welcomed twin baby girls on February 2nd! Todd works at Great West Causality Company and was a former employee of MTA! Wishing them all the best!

Will's Safety Tip
There are many factors to consider when choosing winter footwear. Warmth and protection against the elements are important but for many, the prevention of falls is the number one consideration.

Here are a few things to look for in your footwear:
Sole – Pure rubber soles (bottom of your footwear) provide the best traction in winter. The softer the rubber, the better it will usually grip the ice. Softer rubber can however wear out more quickly, particularly if you are walking on dry cement so it’s best to wear your winter boots only in the colder temperatures on snow and ice (similar to not using your winter tires in springtime). Manufacturers often use a mixture of manmade rubber and natural rubber to provide a grippy sole that does not break down too quickly. You can tell the sole has good rubber content by trying to move the “lugs” with your fingers. Cheaper boots will have soles that feel more like hard plastic that will end up freezing in the cold and becoming very slippery.
New technology – Some manufacturers offer new features designed to prevent slips and falls. Look for:
Footwear that has metal shavings infused into the rubber. These shavings act like thousands of small teeth that bite into the ice and provide an elevated level of slip prevention that regular rubber cannot equal.
Retractable metal cleats that provide the ultimate grip in winter.
Stay Safe!
Upcoming Events
Share the Road- Billings
March 18, 2024 - Senior Highschool
March 19, 2024 - Skyview Highschool
March 21, 2024 - West Highschool
Volunteers/Trucks Needed
Truck Driving Championship
June 8, 2024 - Helena
Annual Convention
September 23-25, 2024 - Missoula