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On The Horizon - October 22, 2024


Annual Vehicle Inspection Training

Join Us for the Annual Vehicle Inspection Training!

We are excited to partner with the Motor Carrier Service Division for our Annual Vehicle Inspection Training! This online training will take place on December 4, 2024, from 8:30 AM to 12:00 PM.

To register, please click the link below to fill out the registration form and then send it to Be sure to provide an email for everyone wanting to attend as they will receive a link to join the meeting.

Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your knowledge and skills!

Belgrade and East Helena Christmas Convoy

Belgrade Event Details:

  • Date: December 6-7, 2024

  • Visit Website for details as they become available

East Helena Event Details:

  • Date: December 14, 2024

  • Starting Location: Wylie Drive

  • Time: 6:00PM to 8:00PM

  • See link for full route

We are excited to invite you to participate in the 1st Annual East Helena Christmas Convoy and the Belgrade Christmas Convoy. The East Helena festivities will kick off at Wylie Drive and both events promises to be great celebrations for our community.

We’re looking for trucks to join the convoy, as well as enthusiastic volunteers to help make this event a success. Whether you can drive a truck or lend a hand with traffic control, your support will make a big difference!

If you are interested in participating in the East Helena convoy, please fill out this form by November 15th. Feel free to spread the word and bring your friends and family along for a festive day at any spot along the route!

In memoriam

See Link for Steve Hanson's full obituary

"Every day is good … some days are just better than others" - Steve Hanson

Lawsuit: EPA emissions regs seek to restructure trucking industry

The new rules will make American trucking dependent on China and other countries at odds with the U.S., states and trade groups said in a legal filing.

  • A legal battle is highlighting trucking concerns about emission regulations by the Environmental Protection Agency for heavy-duty model year 2027 vehicles and beyond.

  • Litigants on Wednesday alleged the EPA’s March rule is an illegitimate restructuring of the industry, according to an opening brief. The filing represented groups ranging from the American Petroleum Institute to trucking associations and states.

  • The parties, which filed at least eight lawsuits in May and June, are calling for a federal appeals court in Washington, D.C., to reverse the regulations.

Welcome New Member

NPT started as a one man trucking company over 80 years ago! In 1948 a WWII army veteran named Peter Kooi started his career as a truck driver in Denver, Colorado. He soon acquired NPT and in 1968 he established a profit sharing plan for its employees and by 1999 employees owned 30% of the company. Peter firmly believed that his employees should share in the company's prosperity and be rewarded for their dedication. 

We provide daily, next day transit time in the Mountain Region. Nobody services this part of the country as reliably and as fast as we do. We provide fast and dependable LTL transit through a comprehensive network in CO, MT, NE, SD, UT, WE & WY.

We are the only independently owned LTL carrier in the rock mountain region. Our mission has always been to be the best in the freight line business, No exceptions. We do that with our employees. We are employee owned and employee driven and we hire only the best people in the business committed to providing quality service as only owners can.

Will's Safety Message

Here is some more safety information on electrical hazards, please read on to keep yourself, coworkers and family members safe.


No matter whether you’re working on your own home or are an experienced professional working on a job site, all power tools and electrical systems have the potential to cause harm, sometimes deadly harm.

Electricity can be either “static” or “dynamic.”

Dynamic electricity is the uniform motion of electrons through a conductor; this electron flow is known as electric current. Conductors are materials that allow the movement of electricity through it. Most metals are conductors. Water is a conductor. The human body is a conductor.

Static electricity is an accumulation of electric charge on surfaces as a result of contact and friction with another surface. This contact / friction causes an accumulation of electrons on one surface, and a deficiency of electrons on the other surface.

Electric current cannot exist without an unbroken path to and from the conductor. Electricity will form a “path” or “loop.” When you plug in a device (like a power tool), the electricity takes the easiest path from the plug / power source to the tool and back to the power source. This action is also known as creating or completing an electrical circuit.

The amount of current needed to light an ordinary 60-watt lightbulb is five times what can kill a person.

See also our short video “Everyday Electrical,” and information geared specifically to the construction trades.

What kinds of injuries result from electrical currents?

People are injured when they become part of the electrical circuit. Humans are more conductive than the earth, the ground we stand on, which means if there is no other easy path then electricity will try to flow through our bodies.

Stay Safe!

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