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06/20/2022 On The Horizon

Writer: Onawa LindenOnawa Linden

Updated: Sep 7, 2022

Emergency Declaration for Flood Relief

For those carriers providing emergency relief, the declaration exempts:

  • Safety Regulations 49 CFR Parts 390-399 for 30 days from today.

  • no temporary registration permits and temporary fuel permits required

  • Oversize/overweight permits are required when needed, but suspension of ARM 18.8.509 which now allows for weekend, nighttime, and holiday travel. Pilot car required at night on non-interstate for loads over 10’ wide

Click HERE to read the Declaration

Today is the LAST DAY to Reserve a Room at a discounted rate for the Regional Safety Rendezvous July 13-15 in Park City, Utah

As most of you know Utah is hosting the Regional Safety Rendezvous this year. We have some very interesting and informative subjects to be discussed. Room reservations at the DoubleTree Hotel 435-649-7000 must be made by this Monday, June 20th to receive the discount. Registration, Room Reservation, Sponsorship and Exhibiting information is on Utah's website Utah Trucking Association is excited to host the Safety Rendezvous this year. It will be good to get together again. We need your support to make the Safety Rendezvous a success. Please SIGN UP NOW!! Let Terry Smith (801-973-9370) know if you have any questions. Thank you for your support. RMRSR Agenda

Welcome New Member

Self of Idaho "Jim started his trucking career in 1976. In 1996 he bought his first truck at which time SELF OF IDAHO was established. Jim was leased to Yellowstone Trucking out of Coeur d' Alene, ID at that time. In January 2007 Self of Idaho leased to Whitewood Transport in Billings, MT. And the rest is history." We would also like to congratulate Jim on being the 2021 Driver of the Year. Stay tuned for pictures.

Operation Safe Driver Week July 10 - 16, Focused on Speeding

This year’s Operation Safe Driver Week is scheduled for July 10-16. Law enforcement personnel in Canada, Mexico and the U.S. will be on roadways throughout that week issuing warnings and citations to commercial motor vehicle and passenger vehicle drivers engaging in unsafe driving behaviors, such as speeding, distracted driving, following too closely, improper lane change, drunk or drugged driving, etc. Earlier this month, the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHSTA) released its latest annual traffic crash report, showing ... READ MORE

Can Strong Job Growth in Trucking Continue?

In April and May combined, the for-hire trucking industry added 27,300 payroll jobs (seasonally adjusted), according to the latest Bureau of Labor Statistics data. That puts trucking employment at the highest on record and 65,900 payroll jobs, or 4.3%, ahead of the pre-pandemic month of February 2020. Only three times in the 32-plus years of available data has trucking seen a larger two-month surge in trucking employment. And at least one ... READ MORE

Mandated Speed Limiters: Going Nowhere Fast [Commentary]

Back in 2016, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, along with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, floated a proposal to mandate speed limiters on trucks. As is often the case when the agency is in the beginning stages of a new regulation, this initial notice of proposed rulemaking was rather vague. Yes, it called for mandatory speed-limiting of new commercial vehicles. Yet despite a decade-long push by trucking and safety advocates for such a mandate, the 2016 proposal was silent on what that limit should be. The Department of Transportation said only that the NPRM “discusses the benefits ... READ MORE

Regarding Safety

The 20th Annual J. J. Keller Safety Professional of the Year (SPOTY) Awards are now open for applications and nominations, and it’s free with substantial prizes and recognition. Transportation safety professionals can find the information at: Applications Open for 20th Annual J. J. Keller Safety Professional of the Year Awards (

Our Sponsors

If you would like to be a Sponsor, please contact Karen at 406-442-6600 or

Mike's Safety Tip

Work Zone Safety Its been said in Montana, we have two seasons. Winter and Construction. Before long, winter will be over. Roadway construction season is just gearing up. Almost 1/3 of work zone crashes involve large commercial vehicles. Pay close attention to speed changes and enter into the work zone at or below the posted speed. Make your lane changes early when you have time to change position, not when you have to at the last minute. Watch your following distances and be attentive to ever changing conditions. Have a great week, Mike

Save The Date

July 13th - 15th, 2022 Park City, Utah

Click HERE to register Click HERE for a larger view

2022 Annual Inspection Decals

Call MTA to order the 2022 Inspection Decals 406-442-6600 Or you can Email Karen:

Upcoming Events

June 30, 2022 Share the Road @ the Distracted Driving Event 7 AM - 4 PM Butte, MT July 4, 2022 MTA office closed Independence Day Holiday July 10 - 16, 2022 Operation Safe Driver Week July 13 - 15, 2022 Rocky Mountain Regional Safety Rendezvous (RMRSR) Park City, Utah Register HERE August 16 - 19, 2022 National Truck Driving Championship Indiana Convention Center Indianapolis, IN August 21 - 27, 2022 Brake Safety Week September 11 - 17, 2022 National Truck Driver Appreciation Week September 14, 2022 Montana Truck Driver Appreciation Day September 25 - 29, 2022 National SuperTech Competition Huntington Convention Center Cleveland, OH

Have you gotten your annual MVR's yet?

If not, Motor Carriers of Montana can run your Montana annual MVR's (Motor Vehicle Report) for you. The cost is $10.25 per MVR. All you need to provide is:

  • Employees name

  • Employees Montana driver license number

  • Employees date of birth

So if you would like us to help you with your annual MVR's, send an email to or call 406-442-6600

Montana Trucking Association 501 N. Sanders, Suite 201 Helena, MT 59601 406-442-6600


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