3 Changes to FMCSA's Driver Qualification File Rules Fleets Need to Know
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration can go years without changing its commercial driver qualification (DQ) file requirements in 49 CFR Part 391. However, this year the agency made a few notable changes that motor carriers should be aware of: 1. Eliminating the Annual List of Violations Motor carriers will no longer need to request an annual record of violations (certification of violations) from their commercial drivers. Section 391.27 were removed from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations on May 9, 2022. The FMCSA believes asking drivers to list violations occurring over the past year is redundant since carriers also request an annual motor vehicle record (MVR) that contains the same violations. Note that annual violation lists created through May 8, 2022, must be retained in the DQ file for at least three years. This means, for instance, an annual record of violations ... READ MORE
“22 MT Truck Expo
It's Expo week! We hope for a fun, educational convention. We wish the Truck Driving and the DOT Inspector Contestants the best of luck! Stay tuned for pictures! For more information on the expo…..link
Trucking Company Failures on the Rise
One of the hallmarks of the pandemic as it relates to trucking has been the unprecedented growth in the number of new, mostly very small, for-hire trucking companies. Since July 2020, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has authorized just under 186,000 new trucking operations. To put that into perspective, the strongest 22 months of carrier growth prior to the pandemic, March 2018 through December 2019, saw fewer than 82,000 new carriers. The number of new carriers approved each month remains far above pre-pandemic levels, but it is starting to slow after March’s record. However, another notable trend is that the number of net revocations of operating authority — total revocations adjusted for reinstatements of authority — have been running at elevated levels since November and reached an all-time high in March, according to FTR’s analysis of FMCSA data. We would expect some inflation ... READ MORE
International Roadcheck Statistics
Earlier this month, MDT Motor Carrier Services (MCS) officers took part in International Roadcheck, a 72-hour high-visibility, high-volume commercial motor vehicle inspection and enforcement initiative. The focus this year was on wheel ends, which include the wheels, rims, hubs and tires on a commercial motor vehicle. Here are the stats from this year's roadcheck: 324 total Level I & II inspections 212 CVSA stickers issued (no critical vehicle inspection item violations ) 471 total violations 24 driver out of service violations (2 for alcohol possession/use, 2 for possession of drugs) 88 vehicle out of service violations 49 total violations listed for wheel end violations (28 were out of service violations, 21 were non-out of service violations) Check out some photos from the inspection period, and also some of the violations our officers found. SEE MORE
Our Sponsors
If you would like to be a Sponsor, please contact Karen at 406-442-6600 or karen@mttrucking.org
Mike's Safety Tip
Sunburn Sunburns can be as simple as turning slightly red or enough to cause blistering, fever, nausea, and permanent scarring. Almost everyone has suffered through one sunburn sometime during their lifetime. Most mild sunburns will heal without treatment if left alone. If the pain is excessive or if the skin shows extreme blistering, see your doctor. Prevent a bad sunburn by using a lotion that has a chemical sunscreen or block and spread it on freely! Unfortunately, there is no specific treatment for sunburn. The best way to provide relief from the discomfort without doing further damage is to apply an ointment, wet compress, or soothing lotion. Have a great week, Thanks Mike
Save The Date
July 13th - 15th, 2022
Park City, Utah
2022 Annual Inspection Decals
Call MTA to order the 2022 Inspection Decals 406-442-6600 Or you can Email Karen: karen@mttrucking.org
Upcoming Events
June 9 - 11, 2022 Convention, TDC, DOT Inspectors Helena, MT June 30, 2022 Share the Road @ the Distracted Driving Event 7 AM - 4 PM Butte, MT July 4, 2022 MTA office closed Independence Day Holiday July 13 - 15, 2022 Rocky Mountain Regional Safety Rendezvous (RMRSR) Park City, Utah August 16 - 19, 2022 National Truck Driving Championship Indiana Convention Center Indianapolis, IN September 25 - 29, 2022 National SuperTech Competition Huntington Convention Center Cleveland, OH
Have you gotten your annual MVR's yet?
If not, Motor Carriers of Montana can run your Montana annual MVR's (Motor Vehicle Report) for you.
The cost is $10.25 per MVR.
All you need to provide is:
Employees name
Employees Montana driver license number
Employees date of birth
So if you would like us to help you with your annual MVR's, send an email to karen@mttrucking.org or call 406-442-6600
Montana Trucking Association 501 N. Sanders, Suite 201 Helena, MT 59601 406-442-6600