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The Associated Voice of The
Montana Trucking Industry

Dedicated to serving hardworking members.




Montana Trucking Safety

Montana’s Only Voice for the Trucking Industry

  • Training opportunities

  • Legislative advocacy

  • Value on safety

  • Promotion of safer highways

  • A broad network of like-minded trucking companies and vendors

  • Discount on supplies

single lane highway in forest with mountains in the background

MTA is Dedicated to serving 
hardworking members.

Montana Trucking Association is comprised of over 300 trucking companies and important industry suppliers working to meet the needs of the trucking industry in Montana through education, legislative advice, and lobbying on behalf of the trucking industry. 

Charlie Bennett

PRESIDENT - Montana Trucking Association

It's Easy to Become a Member!

Montana Trucking

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Montana Trucking Association

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Montana Trucking

Feel Supported!

Montana Trucking Safety

The Montana Trucking Association has been pivotal in our accomplishments as a safe and viable motor carrier. Access to both state and federal legislation has provided us with an industry voice and a seat at the table as we navigate an ever-changing regulatory and economic environment. Working together with other Montana motor carriers and suppliers to advance our industry is critical to our successful future.


Michael  Wilson -  Whitewood Transport, Inc.

Now, more than ever, being proactive and promoting a safety-minded culture is key to the success of our professional drivers and the carriers they work for. We appreciate the value and priority that the Montana Trucking Association places on advocating safety through training and collaboration. We are all in this for the long haul. Stay safe and arrive alive!


Jason Sorlien - Marsh McLennan Agency

Montana Trucking
Montana Trucking Association

Having done business with and being part of the Montana Trucking Association for the past 30 years, Hanson Trucking has come to rely on the professionalism and positive outlook they provide. In the ever-changing business arena we all work in, being proactive for the members of the MTA along with the Montana public is key to keeping business operating in compliance with all regulations and keeping all on our public highways safe. MTA touches all aspects of doing business in Montana. From planting seeds in the ground to transporting wind turbines across our state, to assisting in the transportation training of our high school students, MTA is there. We look forward to another 30 years of partnership with the MTA!!
Steve Hanson – Hanson Trucking Inc.

2025-2026 Scholarships

Montana Trucking Association Education Foundation
Barry 'Spook' Stang Memorial Scholarship

Montana Trucking Benifits

MTA accepts applications from:


  • Montana students completing their senior year in high school or are currently enrolled in a Montana college and working toward an undergraduate degree.

  • Students must be an employee or the dependent of an employee of a MTA Member to be eligible.

  • The student must be a Montana resident planning to attend a Montana college, University, Trade school, or other educational institution.


            Applications Due May 16, 2025


Continental Owner Operators
Good Year

Platinum Sponsors 

Kenworth Sales logo
Motor Power logo

Gold Sponsors 

GW stacked text BLUE.jpg
Peterbilt - Partner Logo
Jackson Group Peterbilt - Partner Logo
MarshMcLennan Agency logo

Silver Sponsors 

J.J. Keller
Weave Warren Transport Horz Left PMS.jpg
Raymond Corcoran Logo.jpg

Bronze Sponsors 

PrePass - Partner Logo
Sorensen Transport.jpg
Montana State Fund
Western Trucking Associations Executives Council
Trucking Moves America Forward
American Trucking Associations Logo
Trucking Association Executive Council
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